Friday, July 27, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises
IMDB -- 164 min. -- PG-13

FINALLY go the chance to see this movie. And I'm sure my family would've been there for the midnight show if it had not been for an younger brother returning from his mission that day and an older brother's wedding the next day. Either way, seeing then or now, it was worth it.

This sure was an awesome way to finish an awesome trilogy. I had heard from some that this movie was really dark, and so when I went to see it I was expecting The Dark Knight dark. But that didn't happen. Sure a lot of crap happens to people in it, but it isn't really near the second's level of dark. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing; in fact, I like this. I just wasn't expecting it. I suppose my level of dark is different than others, though.

I thought that Christopher Nolan did a good job choosing the right actors and actresses. I think they all played their characters very well. I was a tiny off-put about how Bane's voice wasn't deep and brooding, but it grew on me. Bane sure makes up for it with his ferocity.

Without trying to give away the plot, I like how this movie really "book-ends" the trilogy. I thought that this was done brilliantly. It's nice that this movie ties in with bits and pieces of the other two. You don't see that in movie trilogies often and I hope more are done this way. The ending also helps with this. It was handled very nicely.

I knew going into this movie that I couldn't trust anything or anyone on the screen. I'm sure glad that I went to the movie in this mindset. I know that this kept me on my toes. The big twists are awesome in this. And if I had remembered some things from Batman-cannon then I would've caught on to some of them faster.

Special effects are done very well and aren't cheesy. In some superhero movies you can tell when something is CGI'd but this one you couldn't tell. It made it seem like this could really happen in our time. Check one to being believable.

If you're a fan of the other movies and of Batman, go see this. It's worth it. ;)

1 comment:

Amber said...

I loved it as well.

I saw the twists coming because we grew up watching the cartoons, so I remembered who the characters actually were.

As for the ending, I 'guessed' it about half-way through and 'hoped' it would actually happen... twists and all.

I thought Bane's voice was great; I read somewhere about how he developed the accent, so I was looking forward to it. Definitely creepy and WAY better than the last film Bane.

Greg and I talked about how Hardy had to be a committed actor since the camera couldn't pick up his facial expressions.