Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Bullet Journal Adventure: The Beginning

As I had previously stated I had gotten myself into Bullet Journaling. If you would like to know more information please go to www.BulletJournal.com. There you will see how Ryder Carroll came up with the idea for it. The name is trademarked, as is the short name BuJo. The Bullet Journal was made to help organize yourself and to be more productive. This was the main reason that I wanted to started a Bullet Journal. I started looking into it in December last year and then put it into action in January. And all my pictures came from my Instagram, so the quality is not the best.

I began with a title page of sorts. I had started this journal as a regular journal. I quickly found out that wasn't working for me. On the mission it was just fine but at home it was different. So I needed to begin this journal somehow. This seemed to fill the page nicely.

I then started to add some pages that I thought would be nice to have at the beginning. They were pages that I didn't think needed to be repeated every month. A year overview was the best. I still love reading books and watching movies. It's nice to have them down in one spot. And so far the movie one has been more helpful. It does remind me that I need to read more.

I then added my first monthly spread. It's my version of a monthly log. I felt that having a more visual set-up would be more useful for me. I'm a very visual person. It's nice to see everything in one place in an organized way. The list way of the original monthly log would have been less intuitive for me. I could also do a monthly tracker for things.

And then the next thing I did was try doing daily logs with journaling as a major part. But I found out quickly that this didn't work for me. There was no place for me to keep track of weekly things. And it also seemed that I wasn't going to use the pages to make it more productive. So I decided to change things. The beautiful part of BuJo is making it your own.

And this is the first weekly layout that I did. The layout itself hasn't changed much since. The content is a bit different now. The evolution is kind of fun to watch as the months will go by.

Looking back at these pictures I notice just how much my weekly spread style has changed. This is very plain to me now. I have learned that washi tape and stickers go a long way. The first month alone taught me a lot about BuJo. I quickly also caught onto the benefits. For me being able to do things artistically as well as organized in a visual way helped me to know what I need to do. I am able to get things done more. It helps me to be able to plan things on Sunday for the next week, especially when there is a lot to do.

This is the first post that I'll be talking about my BuJo journey. Hopefully they will be more informative as it goes. I'm just a bit distracted by Star Wars at the moment. Hahaha. Until next time.

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