Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mission Call

I never wrote that I had decided to go on a mission. I had this impression while I was working at Walt Disney World (Aug. 15, 2012 - Jan. 3, 2013) that I should do this. One day sitting on the CP bus, I looked around and realized something sad. Not all of these people knew about the truth of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. I knew then that I had to be part of spreading the whole truth around. They needed to know that there is a Heavenly Father that loves us and has put His church on the earth to guide us.

I don't know why it took me so long to get the paperwork done. We were moving in three months and it would seem that I attributed a lot of the procrastination to that. Why, oh why? I should have moved faster, even after getting here in Texas. I really don't have an excuse for that. My timidity takes a hold of me and I let it win, a lot. I know that going on this mission will combat that.

I got everything all done and the papers were in. I was told that they would come later last week but the papers came in on Monday. Unfortunately for me, and my parents, we were in watching my nephews and niece because their parents were on a Disney Cruise. Parker was still home and that's how we knew they were there. Dad actually drove back to our home (2 hr. drive) to get the papers and Parker (thankfully he had the next day off). My mom and I patiently waited for them to come home and by then the older kids were back from Kindergarten and Preschool. Krystal came over (Zak was at work) and contacted Grandad over the phone. I really didn't know what to expect.

I will be serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints in the Taiwan Taipei Mission. I will be speaking Mandarin Chinese and have to report into the Provo MTC on April 16th.

The part that caught us off guard was how quickly I would be leaving. That's right. Two months. Holy cow! I guess the Lord needs me out there as soon as possible.

Taiwan Taipei Temple
Taiwan Flag
I'm not scared about learning Mandarin. I had taken four semesters of Mandarin back when I was in BYU-I. I didn't find it that difficult during that time and I know the Lord will help me. I can still read some characters and say some sentences.

I'm excited for what's to come! It isn't Japan but this feels right. I'm supposed to know Mandarin for some reason or other. I'm eager to know more about the people, the culture, and the membership. It should be a lot of fun to serve the Lord half-way across the world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am not sure that you procrastinated or that the Lord was saving you for a special time. We are so excited for you Megan. พระเจ้าอวยพรคุณน้องสาวของแจ็คสันมีความสุข ( I can only assume that says what I want it to ;) )XOXO