Monday, February 7, 2011

23 Years

I suppose it's about time I write about my birthday. Sorry for not writing earlier. A part of me didn't want to write since I didn't have any pictures to show. I would forget to get mine out and then others forgot theirs completely. Our bad.

Anyway, I woke up deciding that the day was going to be awesome. The day before I had a breakdown after finishing all of my homework. I had realized that I hadn't received any messages about what was going to happen for my birthday. My roommates also kept forgetting even though they asked me when my birthday was a week or two before. I figured nothing really special was going to happen. However, I broke myself out of that funk. I had received an anonymous text, calls, and Facebook messages wishing me happy birthday. It was nice. =)

The day turned out to be good. I didn't have to go to classes until 1:35 that day so I had some time to make some pistachio pudding cake. I used the letters on my fridge to say "Happy Birthday to Me! =)" and that's when my roommate also started to make a cake because it reminded her. I was able to get that done before I left for class; and along the way I treated myself to a Jamba Juice for lunch. ;)

After wards, I waited for Nett and the gang to come and get me for my birthday dinner. By the time that they came if was too late to go to where I wanted to go. I read that it could take some time to get seated and we just couldn't do it. So we went to a faster, inexpensive Japanese place called the Hibachi House. I know that we enjoyed it before and it had food for everyone. I thought that it tasted pretty good. I was able to get some unagi (eel). Yum!

I had to wait until the day after to go out with Nett and Gma for some present buying. I really didn't know what I wanted besides some crafts supplies. I got a ton more of polymer clay in loads of colors, yarn, and the fabric for my next cosplay. We then had to pick Tay up from school, wait for Bug to come home, and have Glenn land from San Franciso. By that time it was too late to do an activity.

The next day we decided that we were going to do an activity. I thought of doing sledding since I knew that it was something that pretty much everyone would enjoy. We chose the same sledding spot as for my 21st birthday. It was late by the time we went so we only had about an hour of sledding. That turned out to be o.k. since I fell off an inter-tube pretty hard. I was definitely sore for a couple days after wards.

It was a pretty enjoyable birthday this year. And it's not even completely done yet. Next weekend is when I'll be able to get my iPhone. I haven't had a new phone in a couple years and with me going to Disney World this summer I can chat with Mom and Dad using the face-time on the phone. That will be nice. =)


JiJi said...

Glad you had a happy b-day(s)

Jenni Elyse said...

Glad you had a good birthday!