I often associated Pride and Prejudice with hoighty-toighty people and overly passionate females. For that I refused to watch the movies (although I've seen bits and pieces) and to read the book. I really didn't want to get myself into the realm of 'squealing girls,' but I have already successfully accomplished that by reading The Twilight Saga. (Funny how that works, huh?) I do see why girls are mainly attracted to this book. The main character is female but she isn't really like other females; and there is more to the story about love. It's about looking into ourselves and finding our own follies; especially pride and prejudice.
I found myself feeling for Elizabeth Bennet. There is a lot to be learned by looking through her perspective. She changes so much by the end of the novel as does Mr. Darcy. I can say that this book has some well developed characters. All of them aren't perfect, and yet they are likable. There are some that you don't like but you end of pitying them because of how naive they really are. Then there are others that you wish you could knock some sense into.
I'm glad that I had to read this book for class. I would have missed out a fun classic if I hadn't otherwise. Perhaps someday I'll be able to watch the movie and be able to enjoy it for what it's worth.
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