Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It Begins...

I have finally been to all the classes that I will be taking this semester. To be completely honest, I had a semi-meltdown the first day. It was very quiet and I don't think that my roommates even knew about it. I guess a lot of things caught up with me. I believe that a lot of it was caused by my mild depression. Although I have never been diagnosed, I know that I don't have to be 'officially' diagnosed. I know when something doesn't feel right.

Anyway, a lot of the meltdown did deal with the whole money side of going to school. I really don't feel like I have accomplished a whole lot during the summer. I wasn't able to get a job or my license. I can't tell you how many times that I've felt like that I've been mooching off of my parents and people I know. All that guilt ways you down. That will change soon, hopefully. I'm desperately looking for a job and I have applied for five at the moment. I have only heard back from one saying no, but there is another I want to apply for. I just need to finish some steps before I can do that. I will get that done in the next couple days.

I do have good news in all of this gloom. Financial aid is a lot faster since a new law has been passed. I've accepted the loan and am now waiting for disbursement. ^^ I have also made my major official. I'm an English major. What am I going to do with that? Get myself published! I did think of doing something with art as a minor but as I walked over to the building I stopped half-way. I'm not sure why. I just know that I didn't need the minor. Maybe it's a good thing. After this semester I will only need three more semesters and an internship. You read that right! I should be graduated either before or in 2012 depending if I do Summer and Spring terms. I might have to. We'll see. ;)

This semester will have a lot of reading to do. All of my classes have reading assignments; and all but two have some kind of paper(s). It will be fun. I also have four novels to read this semester. Three for one English and one for the other English course. I should be able to get a lot of it done on Tues. and Thurs. though. I only have one class on those days. However, that means I'm in class on Mon. and Wed. from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with an hour break. I'm hoping it will actually be shorter since the class at the end is a lab for sewing; and we all know how fast I can sew. Getting a job on top of all of this might be murder but I will definitely try!

That's the semester in a nutshell. It should be crazy, busy but fun. Wish me luck!


Amber said...

Meltdowns are never fun. Been there, done that. I hope the semester brings you lots of joy. Call me whenever you need to talk.

Spring/Summer terms are great. Less people, less money and you graduate sooner.

Jenni Elyse said...

The only problem with Spring/Summer terms is that you have to be full-time in order to qualify for financial aid whereas you can be only half-time during Fall and Winter semester. I learned that the hard way this time around.

What English classes are you taking? I'm in Engl 230. I could've gone on to Engl 295, but I wanted the intro class since I never paid attention to literature when I was in school before.

Megan said...

If I did Spring/Summer I would be full time anyway. There's no way I would make myself do half time. I want out sooner not later.

I'm taking 252 and 292. I'm still waiting to here if my Idaho English makes up for 295. I sure hope it does. I thought it did at least. It did before.

Jenni Elyse said...

I took 251 instead of 252. And, I was going to take 293 this semester if I had taken 295 in Summer term, but since I dropped that class, I'll take that in Winter since I'm doing 230 right now.