Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's Day

So, I've never really done anything for April Fool's Day before. However, I was inspired by something that I saw on DeviantART. This is the result.

Yes, those are my roommate's eggs. I was lucky enough to have some of the eggs cracked. It allowed me to draw some screaming eggs. xD I can't wait to see her face when she opens it. >w<

Oh, I turned in my portfolio/application for my major today. I'll know in two-four weeks if I've made it. I'll let you all know. ^^


NettMon said...

LOVE IT! Just love it! Bwah ha ha!

Karen said...

LOL! Awesomely funny.

JiJi said...

Hen na tamago ne, kedo omoshiroi!

Karen said...

What happen? How did she react? Pins and needles.