Monday, May 26, 2008

Indy and a Rainy Day

I finally saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I actually just finished watching it about 20 minutes ago. My initial reaction is that I like it, but not as much as the others. There are differences that definitely makes this one of the series more updated. The special effects are done well (the bunch of them that there are) and the theme especially makes it very different. I wasn't sure at first why the whole alien/inter-dimensional theme, but then I got thinking about it. What else could they do with the religious artifacts? They seem to hit the major ones. Then again Temple of Doom doesn't deal with religious artifacts. Overall, I say this is a good movie.

So living in Rexburg you never know how the weather's going to be. Krystal and I were hoping for a sunny Memorial Day. Well, we got wet. However, that was okay with me. We decided to go puddle jumping in the huge puddles that were forming. The round-about near us was completely flooded. We thought about seeing if the local park was as well, but it was getting close to when we had to leave to see Indy 4. So we stayed on the crosswalks and Krystal's complex's parking lot. This picture is of Krystal and her roommate going across the crosswalk near the round-about.


Amber said...

The alien theme comes from the time period it's set in. The country was facinated with space and life past earth.

Megan said...

It also comes from all the space nerd s and their theories. Check the Sci-Fi channel. They have a thing about crystal skulls and how they have alien origins.