Friday, September 14, 2007

Do Internet Users Really Think They Can Save Harry?

It seems like people will do anything these days, especially since we have the internet. To me, I find this whole thing pointless. Why should we force a writer to do more than what they want to do? They have their own freewill. The Telegraph has posted a story on how internet users are petitioning for J.K. Rowling to not kill of Harry Potter via chain mail. The Telegraph gives us an example of Sherlock Holmes and how he came back from the dead. What? Why? I think if the author wishes to kill a character, then they should. I don’t think that we should be able to demand so much on someone over their creative power. The part that strikes me is that J.K. Rowling is now saying, “Never say never.” She so adamantly said that she would make any more Harry Potter books after the seventh installment; but now she says there might be more to do with Hogwarts. To me, Hogwarts wouldn’t seem the same without Harry and his friends. There’s already something missing with Dumbledore gone. I don’t know. Maybe this is me just ranting, but I feel like I had to. *sighs with relief* Woo…

Link to original story:

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