Monday, November 8, 2010

My Judge's Award

As promised here's my Judge's Award that I received for my Vincent Valentine cosplay. It was so unexpected and so gratefully received! It makes me want to continue on with cosplay! And yes, I do have my choice for next year picked. It should be fun!

The Judges of the contest were allowed to give their choices something else besides a certificate. Mine decided to give me a 'Pocky Cup.' I think it's hilarious and I totally want to meet the guy. xD The front says "National Pocky League" and the back says "Banzai Cup 2010." I did find out something that was a bummer. If I had put my cosplay into the Craftmanship, it would have won. The ones who did put their cosplays in had bought half of their cosplays while I had made all of mine. Guess who'll be trying for that next year? Yep. I think I might have to. ;)


NettMon said...

It IS totally cool isn't it? :) Love the cup.

BTW - Meat the judge? I know you are an omnivore (you, tongue eater, you!) but shouldn't meet the judge first, then you can decide if you want to eat him. :)

Congrats on the award! Your Cosplay was fabulous, as always!

Megan said...

LOL! I didn't realize that I wrote "meat" instead of "meet." Oh my gosh. Funny. xD