Friday, November 6, 2009


Halloween was pretty interesting this year. I had two parties to go to the day before. The first was the Omniture party. I didn't take any photos there because it was dark in some areas and very crowded. Plus, it's hard to take pictures when you're holding a sword and shield. xP It was pretty big this year but ended too quickly. We ran out of time to get through the whole building, and when 5 p.m. hit some people hurried to clean up. =/

The second party was the ward party. That was a lot of fun this year. I got a lot of comments on my costumes and brought the only pumpkin. I was the pumpkin carving contest because of this but here's the quote: "So, you were all lame and didn't bring a pumpkin except for Megan. Although we're pretty sure that Megan would have won anyway if you did..." I found it kind of funny. I wish I got a picture of it in the dark for you all. However, my camera hates the darks so it would have turned out gross. I also came in second place for the costume contest. A girl came to the party as a logger. She had put her curly hair into a ponytail at her chin to look like a beard. It was pretty funny. xP

Actual Halloween day was slow. I spent most of the time being on Gaia Online doing the Halloween event. I didn't actually get to Nett's house until much later. I was mostly dressed and Nett was in her full Steampunk garb when I got there. Taylor was out with Glenn and Danny trick-or-treating and Bug had fallen asleep. By the time Taylor got back she was done trick-or-treating so I didn't even bother getting fully dressed. I did get pictures of Taylor and Nett before they shed their stuff though.

Taylor as a pink cat and Nett being Steampunk.


JiJi said...

Cool pumpkin...Taylor's expression is funny...WTH is Steampunk?

Megan said...

Look it up on Wikipedia and Google images. You'll get the gist of it. ;)