Anyway, the 4th. The first thing that the family did together was

Another thing that was boring about the movie was the 3D. Yes, 3D. Sure, you would think that would make a movie much more exciting. It doesn't. It looked cool in the previews and the first 5-10 mins. of the movie, but after a while it just got boring. The whole family has agreed that 3D isn't worth the extra money unless it was shot in 3D. Coraline is an example of that. (I hear that it's amazing in 3D since it was shot in 3D. Good thing there's a 3D version to buy when it comes out.) Anyway, you can see Ice Age 3 but don't expect a whole lot.
After the movie we went to a firework alley. Dad was only hoping to spend $100 this year but when we got there that didn't quite go as planned. So Dad walks up to a guy to ask him a question. The guy starts talking to him and then they're talking about the fireworks. Turns out the guy is a co-owner of a fireworks stand/shop. It was getting late in the day so the guy knew that he needed to make bargains. He talked to Dad some more and convinced him to get $350 worth of fireworks for $200. Needless to say we were all happy. Lots of firework smoke to make me happy. (I love that smell.)
We get home and Mom comes up with this idea to invite a co-worker and his girlfriend over to watch the fireworks. So we have a fast clean-up of the house before they got here. (Turns out that was unnecessary. They didn't come inside.) By the time they find the house we have to start heading down the path to our beach. We were only allowed to do fireworks there. The path is steep and not fun to go up. Once Mom starts the disposable grill she bought at Target, we realize that we forgot the chocolate for the sh'mores. So we call Zak to bring down the chocolate that we forgot when he gets home from work. Way to go us.
As we start lighting off fireworks, the nearby town are doing their shows. You can see four different shows and hear the ones in Seattle from where we are. We decided that maybe next year we'll go watch some fireworks that we saw go off across the Sound from us. They looked pretty cool.
By the end of the night, Dad lost one of the mortars in the water; we had one close call with a firework; sore legs from climbing back up the path; and tired people. It was past midnight when we were done.
The holiday was pretty fun. It would have been more fun if we were able to be with family. Oh well. A good side to that is that the family is going to drive down with me when I have to return to Provo for school. That should be fun. ;)
When we see Ice Age 3, we're not going to watch it in 3D. Corey and I don't do 3D. Although, Journey to the Center of the Earth and Coraline were pretty cool in 3D.
Glad you had a good 4th.
Sounds like fun--- wish we could have been there; I must hear the story about the lost mortar...
No real story other than we angled the tubes to shoot over the water and one of the tubes slipped in after firing.
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