Sunday, August 17, 2008

Spending Time in Seattle

Yesterday the whole family decided to go to Seattle and look around. We wanted to see the pier and what's around. Before we went out to the city though mom, Parker, and I needed hair cuts. Mine is a lot shorter than its been in several years. I like it--don't get me wrong--it's just way different.

After the hair cuts, we went to the pier and walked around. We went to the fish market where they toss the fish to each other. You know, the one they show on Food Network and such. Anyway, we kept walking around and found the pirate store that Jenni has visited a couple weeks ago. Then we started getting hungry and ended up at Ivar's. I ended up getting battered salmon strips and fries. Mmmmm. It was also entertaining because we feed seagulls and watch them swoop down to get fries from people's hands. Anytime they would sqwak I was reminded of Finding Nemo. "Mine? MINE!" lol. Dad kept throwing extra stuff at them and watched them catch stuff.

After that we decided to go to the mall really fast and show dad the Japanese store. It's a lot of fun. There's so much Japanese stuff there. Mom and dad got something to start lil' Jared learn some Japanese. xD Then we went to the oriental market and got lots of stuff there. I think a really big Japanese dinner is on the way. Mmmmm... Japanese.

Fish Market.

Pirate's Plunder.

Ivar's and its current residents.

Firmen with a sense of humor? Rope dummy?


Jenni Elyse said...

Ivars is the same place I went to when I was in Seattle. It's where I fed the seagulls that I mentioned on my blog! :)

Megan said...

That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. Dad was kind of bummed that you didn't tell him that you'd visit Seattle for a day. He would've liked to show you around.

Anonymous said...

meg! i love the new hair.
looks good! :D


Megan said...

Thanks! <3

JiJi said...

Nice that your aunt cmae to Seattle and didn't call us.