Friday, September 14, 2007

Finally Finished Twilight

Okay Jenni and Amber, I finally finished it. Sorry it took so long, but I kept getting distracted. I know... bad me.

So I'm addicted. When Jenni asked me the first time how I felt about Twilight I said, "I liked it, but I'm not obsessed with it." That was before I read the chapter 'Confessions'. I realized then that I should reconsider my statement.

The second half of the book was the best for me. 'Confessions' was about the middle of the book and that's were everything seemed to pick up for me. I like Stephenie Meyer's way of describing things. It makes me feel like I could be there with Bella and Edward. I found myself smiling and laughing along with the text.

I'm glad that I finally bought Twilight because it was a nice read. When I finished it yesterday I begged Zak to take me to Borders to get New Moon. He was nice enough to take me there. And so now I'm reading that and finding that I'm getting more addicted to the series. Once I finish New Moon I'll talk more; and I hope it doesn't take me as long to read it. ;D

1 comment:

Jenni Elyse said...

FINALLY!!! I told you you'd be obsessed!!! :D Finish New Moon and Eclipse soon because we do have to talk...